2 Aralık 2017 Cumartesi

Shitty Gen XIII Speculation, pre-Gen VIII

  1. Console: Tentatively Nintendo Switch's successor's successor. As Switch's fate as a handheld remains dubious, I am going to put this as tentative.
  2. Year: 2034-2035. 2031 is if Switch is released in 2017. 2032 is if Nintendo has a real successor to 3DS in 2018.
  3. Location basis: From most likely to least likely:
  • Remaining American states: See Gen 11.
  • Mexico: The only other American country with Nintendo presence. Hawlucha galore.
  • Canada: Eh? Specifically VGC regions.
  • Philippines: Major Asian region with Pokémon presence.
  1. Dex structure. Either around 80 Pokémon and 20 new forms, or a 90-100 new species. There will almost certainly going to be new means of providing de-facto counterparts to Gen I Pokémon, whether they are new species that are successors to existing ones, or a new idea spun off regional variants.
  2. New field move: Continuation of the new non-elemental field move should continue.
  3. More overworld encounters: At this point, we should see a shift in the franchise from overworld random encounters to closer to Xenoblade Chronicles style open world overworld, linear progression hybrid.
  4. Less forms, more variants: At this point, forms should cease to exist, paving way to variants of existing Pokémon. New forms, if they exist, should be more equivalent to evolutions than mode changes.
  5. Anything else?: After Kalos remakes, berries should get a massive overhaul, as in, there will be no longer any mulches or Pokéblock only berries. Natural Gift will be completely revamped to become competitive. Berries can also get their own item slot.
Primary dex speculation:
  1. Grass
  2. Grass
  3. Grass/Fairy
  4. Fire
  5. Fire
  6. Fire/Ghost
  7. Water
  8. Water
  9. Water/Psychic
  10. Normal/Flying
  11. Normal/Flying or Bug/Flying
  12. Normal/Flying or Bug/Flying: Early Flying
  13. Normal/Psychic
  14. Normal/Psychic: Generic rodent
  15. Dark/Fire
  16. Dark/Fire: Early Dark
  17. Bug
  18. Bug/Water
  19. Bug/Water: Primary early bug
  20. Bug/Dark:
  21. Bug/Dark
  22. Bug/Dark: Secondary early bug
  23. Poison/Ghost
  24. Poison:/Ghost Grimer successor
  25. Ghost/Ice
  26. Ghost/Ice: Early Ghost
  27. Fighting
  28. Fighting/Water: Early Fighting
  29. Ghost/Fighting: Late-game Ghost
  30. Grass/Electric: Spore user
  31. Grass/Electric: Spore user
  32. Bug/Ghost:
  33. Bug/Ghost: Generic bug
  34. Bug/Normal:
  35. Bug/Normal: Generic bug II
  36. Water/Fighting
  37. Water/Fighting: Generic fish
  38. Rock/Ice
  39. Rock/Ice: Fossil I
  40. Dragon/Rock:
  41. Dragon/Rock: Fossil II
  42. Ice/Bug
  43. Ice/Bug: Late-game ice
  44. Ice/Rock
  45. Ice/Rock: Late-game ice II
  46. Steel/Dragon
  47. Steel/Dragon: Late game Steel
  48. Electric/Dragon: Generic Pikaclone
  49. Fighting/Poison
  50. Fighting/Poison: Late Fighting
  51. Normal: Standalone Normal
  52. Fire
  53. Fire/Dragon
  54. Fire/Dragon: Mid-game dragon
  55. Dragon/Ice
  56. Dragon/Ice: Mid-game dragon ii
  57. Flying/Psychic
  58. Flying/Ghost
  59. Flying/Dark: Legendary trio
  60. Fairy/Grass
  61. Fairy/Rock
  62. Fairy/Steel: Main legendaries
  63. Psychic/Poison
  64. Psychic/Poison
  65. Psychic/Poison: Early Psychic
  66. Normal/Dark
  67. Normal/Dark: Gimmick
  68. Fairy/Grass: Chansey clone
  69. Ground
  70. Ground/Water: Generic early Ground
  71. Water/Steel:
  72. Water/Steel: Generic Water ii
Alternate dex speculation:
  1. Grass
  2. Grass
  3. Grass/Electric
  4. Fire
  5. Fire
  6. Fire/Ground
  7. Water
  8. Water
  9. Water/Poison
  10. Normal/Flying
  11. Normal/Flying or Dragon/Flying
  12. Normal/Flying or Dragon/Flying: Early Flying
  13. Normal/Dark
  14. Normal/Dark: Generic rodent
  15. Dark/Fire
  16. Dark/Fire: Early Dark
  17. Bug
  18. Bug/Water
  19. Bug/Water: Primary early bug
  20. Bug/Dark:
  21. Bug/Dark
  22. Bug/Dark: Secondary early bug
  23. Poison/Ghost
  24. Poison/Ghost Grimer successor
  25. Ghost/Ice
  26. Ghost/Ice: Early Ghost
  27. Fighting
  28. Fighting/Water: Early Fighting
  29. Ghost/Fighting: Late-game Ghost
  30. Grass/Electric: Spore user
  31. Grass/Electric: Spore user
  32. Bug/Ghost:
  33. Bug/Ghost: Generic bug
  34. Bug/Normal:
  35. Bug/Normal: Generic bug II
  36. Water/Fighting
  37. Water/Fighting: Generic fish
  38. Rock/Ice
  39. Rock/Ice: Fossil I
  40. Dragon/Rock:
  41. Dragon/Rock: Fossil II
  42. Ice/Bug
  43. Ice/Bug: Late-game ice
  44. Ice/Rock
  45. Ice/Rock: Late-game ice II
  46. Steel/Dragon
  47. Steel/Dragon: Late game Steel
  48. Electric/Dragon: Generic Pikaclone
  49. Fighting/Poison
  50. Fighting/Poison: Late Fighting
  51. Normal: Standalone Normal
  52. Fire
  53. Fire/Dragon
  54. Fire/Dragon: Mid-game dragon
  55. Dragon/Ice
  56. Dragon/Ice: Mid-game dragon ii
  57. Flying/Psychic
  58. Flying/Ghost
  59. Flying/Dark: Legendary trio
  60. Fairy/Grass
  61. Fairy/Rock
  62. Fairy/Steel: Main legendaries
  63. Psychic/Poison
  64. Psychic/Poison
  65. Psychic/Poison: Early Psychic
  66. Normal/Dark
  67. Normal/Dark: Gimmick
  68. Fairy/Grass: Chansey clone
  69. Ground
  70. Ground/Water: Generic early Ground
  71. Water/Steel:
  72. Water/Steel: Generic Water ii
On legendaries:

-A possible repeat of R/S. The elemental types of Weather trio can be used for typing. Sub-typing that is shared can be Dark

-A possible repeat of R/B: A starter trio's typing or sub-typing can be used.

-Something else entirely new: Something like super weak types like Ground/Rock, Ice/Steel and Rock/Ice can be a thing.

Sub-legendaries can be:

-A group of UB-like group with  small weakness count. Something like Water/Ground, Ground/Steel etc. can work.

-A group of sub-legendaries that use elemental beams and Psychic variants for STAB. Beam variants can be machines, Psychic variants can be magical artifacts.

Gym Leader and E4 wishlist.
Gym Leaders:
  1. Steel
  2. Flying
  3. Psychic
  4. Dark
  5. Grass
  6. Ice
  7. Fighting
  8. Normal
Elite Four:
  1. Ground
  2. Electric
  3. Dragon
  4. Normal
Champion: Poison
Villain Team: Psychic

Gym Leaders:
  1. Psychic
  2. Dark
  3. Dragon
  4. Fighting
  5. Steel
  6. Normal
  7. Fighting
  8. Flying
Elite Four:
  1. Ground
  2. Rock
  3. Ghost
  4. Electric
Champion: Varied, or Poison
Villain Team: Grass

Regional Dex Speculation:

Sub-dex 1:
  1. Grass Starter
  2. Grass Starter
  3. Grass Starter
  4. Fire Starter
  5. Fire Starter
  6. Fire Starter
  7. Water Starter
  8. Water Starter
  9. Water Starter
  10. Generic Rodent
  11. Generic Rodent
  12. Rattata
  13. Raticate
  14. Yungoos
  15. Gumshoos
  16. Pichu
  17. Pikachu
  18. Raichu
  19. Wingull
  20. Pelipper
Sub-dex 2:
  1. Generic Bug
  2. Generic Bug
  3. Generic Bug
  4. Caterpie
  5. Metapod
  6. Butterfree
  7. Weedle
  8. Kakuna
  9. Beedrill
  10. Generic Flying
  11. Generic Flying
  12. Generic Flying
  13. Pikipek
  14. Trumbeak
  15. Toucannon
  16. Pidove
  17. Tranquill
  18. Unfezant
  19. Ekans
  20. Arbok
Sub-dex 3:
  1. Generic Electric
  2. Generic Electric
  3. Blitzle
  4. Zebstrika
  5. Generic Pikaclone
  6. Emolga
  7. Plusle
  8. Minun
  9. Generic Fire
  10. Generic Fire
  11. Vulpix
  12. Ninetales
  13. Growlithe
  14. Arcanine
  15. Generic Water
  16. Generic Water
  17. Psyduck
  18. Golduck
  19. Generic Fish
  20. Alomomola
Sub-dex 4:
  1. Generic Grass
  2. Generic Grass
  3. Tangela
  4. Tangrowth
  5. Sunkern
  6. Sunflora
  7. Generic Psychic
  8. Generic Psychic
  9. Gothita
  10. Gothorita
  11. Gothitelle
  12. Solosis
  13. Duosion
  14. Reuniclus
  15. Generic Fighting
  16. Generic Fighting
  17. Mienfoo
  18. Mienshao
  19. Riolu
  20. Lucario
Sub-dex 5:
  1. Generic Poison
  2. Generic Poison
  3. Koffing
  4. Weezing
  5. Salandit
  6. Salazzle
  7. Generic Rock
  8. Generic Rock
  9. Rockruff
  10. Lycanroc
  11. Bonsly
  12. Sudowoodo
  13. Generic Ground
  14. Generic Ground
  15. Onix
  16. Steelix
  17. Drilbur
  18. Excadrill
  19. Makuhita
  20. Hariyama
Sub-dex 6:
  1. Generic Fairy
  2. Generic Fairy
  3. Igglybuff
  4. Jigglypuff
  5. Wigglytuff
  6. Audino
  7. Cleffa
  8. Clefairy
  9. Clefable
  10. Carbink
  11. Generic Dark
  12. Generic Dark
  13. Seedot
  14. Nuzleaf
  15. Shiftry
  16. Carvanha
  17. Sharpedo
  18. Pancham
  19. Pangoro
Sub-dex 7:
  1. Generic Ghost
  2. Generic Ghost
  3. Gastly
  4. Haunter
  5. Gengar
  6. Duskull
  7. Dusclops
  8. Dusknoir
  9. Generic Dragon
  10. Generic Dragon
  11. Axew
  12. Fraxure
  13. Haxorus
  14. Dratini
  15. Dragonair
  16. Dragonite
  17. Bunnelby
  18. Diggersby
  19. Deerling
  20. Sawsbuck
Sub-dex 8:
  1. Generic Ice
  2. Generic Ice
  3. Seel
  4. Dewgong
  5. Shellder
  6. Cloyster
  7. Staryu
  8. Starmie
  9. Generic Steel
  10. Generic Steel
  11. Klefki
  12. Ferroseed
  13. Ferrothorn
  14. Generic Pseudo
  15. Generic Pseudo
  16. Generic Pseudo
  17. Beldum
  18. Metang
  19. Metagross
  20. Mimikyu
Possible BST Updates:
  1. Murkrow: +30, BST: 405->435
  2. Mienshao: +20, BST: 510->530
  3. Gabite: +10, BST: 410->420
  4. Fraxure: +10, BST: 410->420
  5. Mimikyu: +30, BST: 476->506
  6. Oricorio: +30, BST: 476->506
  7. Furfrou: +30, BST: 472->502
  8. Qwilfish: +30, BST: 440->470
Egg Move Speculation:
  1. Rattata: Play Rough
  2. Yungoos: Play Rough
  3. Pichu: Dynamic Punch
  4. Wingull: Shock Wave
  5. Butterfree: Rage
  6. Beedrill: Double-Edge
  7. Pikipek: Counter
  8. Pidove: Counter
  9. Ekans: Mud-Slap
  10. Blitzle: Reversal
  11. Emolga: Reversal
  12. Plusle: Draining Kiss
  13. Minun: Draining Kiss
  14. Vulpix: Draining Kiss
  15. Growlithe: Lucky Chant
  16. Psyduck: Charm
  17. Alomomola: Charm
  18. Tangela: Heal Bell
  19. Sunkern: Rage
  20. Gothita: Simple Beam
  21. Solosis: Simple Beam
  22. Mienfoo: Water Pulse
  23. Riolu: Water Pulse
  24. Koffing: Zap Cannon
  25. Salandit: Toxic Spikes
  26. Rockruff: Noble Roar
  27. Bonsly: Mud-Slap
  28. Onix: Noble Roar
  29. Drilbur: Dynamic Punch
  30. Makuhita: Mega Punch
  31. Igglybuff: Mega Punch
  32. Audino: Noble Roar
  33. Cleffa: Teeter Dance
  34. Seedot: Dynamic Punch
  35. Carvanha: Reversal
  36. Pancham: Iron Head
  37. Gastly: Switcheroo
  38. Duskull: Switcheroo
  39. Axew: Encore
  40. Dratini: Spotlight
  41. Bunnelby: Charm
  42. Deerling: Zen Headbutt
  43. Seel: Stored Power
  44. Shellder. Harden
  45. Staryu: Mud-Slap
  46. Klefki: Spotlight
  47. Ferroseed: Crafty Shield
  48. Beldum: N/A
  49. Mimikyu: Crafty Shield
Notes on type speculation:

Going through each type would be silly, but this generation would be the best opportunity for Rock-type to become its own type in the TCG.

Possible additions to cross-generational forms:
  1. Bug: Goomy, Fomantis and Slugma lines can be used.
  2. Dark: Druddigon and Spearow can be used.
  3. Dragon: Scraggy and Sandile can be used.
  4. Electric: Remoraid and Volbeat/Illumise can be used.
  5. Fairy: Chansey can be used.
  6. Fighting: Buizel and Mudbray can be used.
  7. Fire: Roggenrola and Kangaskhan can be used.
  8. Flying: Cryogonal can be used.
  9. Ghost: Hypno can be used.
  10. Grass: Swirlix can be used.
  11. Ground: Bonsly and Roggenrola can be used.
  12. Ice: Machop and Meditite can be used.
  13. Normal: Spoink and Passimian can be used.
  14. Poison: Carnivine and Sunkern can be used.
  15. Psychic: Gorebyss can be used.
  16. Rock: Trubbish can be used.
  17. Steel: Trubbish can be used.
  18. Water: Lickitung can be used.
Moves that can be buffed:
  1. Acrobatics
  2. Curse
  3. Flame Burst
  4. Double-Slap
  5. Extrasensory
  6. Drill Peck
  7. Night Slash
  8. Bite
Secondary abilities that can be added:
  1. Jolteon: Electric Surge
  2. Flareon: Drought
  3. Glaceon: Snow Warning
  4. Leafeon: Grassy Surge
  5. Sylveon: Misty Surge
  6. Espeon: Psychic Surge
  7. Vaporeon: Drizzle
  8. Minior: Sand Stream
Moveset wishlist update:
  1. Rattata: Counter
  2. Yungoos: Counter
  3. Pichu: Double-Slap
  4. Wingull: Drill Peck
  5. Butterfree: Powder
  6. Beedrill: Toxic Thread
  7. Pikipek: Curse
  8. Pidove: Leer
  9. Ekans: Psychic Fangs
  10. Blitzle: Counter
  11. Emolga: Sweet Kiss
  12. Plusle/Minun: Disarming Voice
  13. Vulpix: Trump Card
  14. Growlithe: Last Resort
  15. Psyduck: Power Split
  16. Alomomola: Curse
  17. Tangela: Power Split
  18. Sunkern: Guard Swap
  19. Gothita: Parting Shot
  20. Solosis: Trump Card
  21. Mienfoo: Mirror Coat
  22. Riolu. Mirror Coat
  23. Koffing: Fake Tears
  24. Salandit: Fake Tears
  25. Rockruff: Parting Shot
  26. Bonsly: Curse
  27. Onix: Guard Swap
  28. Drilbur: Chip Away
  29. Makuhita: Power Split
  30. Igglybuff: Draining Kiss
  31. Audino: Trump Card
  32. Cleffa: Draining Kiss
  33. Carbink: Self-Destruct
  34. Seedot: Destiny Bond
  35. Carvanha: Parting Shot
  36. Pancham: Mud-Slap
  37. Gastly: Tearful Look
  38. Duskull: Fake Tears
  39. Axew: Chip Away
  40. Dratini: Tail Slap
  41. Bunnelby: Last Resort
  42. Deerling: Last Resort
  43. Seel: Guard Swap
  44. Shellder: Mud-Slap
  45. Staryu: Destiny Bond
  46. Klefki: Stealth Rock
  47. Ferroseed: Toxic Spikes
  48. Metang: Head Smash
Third game Dex additions:

Sub-dex 1:
  1. Pidgey
  2. Pidgeotto
  3. Pidgeot
  4. Zigzagoon
  5. Linoone
  6. Sentret
  7. Furret
  8. Hoothoot
  9. Noctowl
  10. Kricketot
  11. Kricketune
  12. Burmy
  13. Mothim
  14. Wormadam
  15. Scatterbug
  16. Spewpa
  17. Vivillon
  18. Helioptile
  19. Heliolisk
  20. Electrike
  21. Manectric
  22. Magby
  23. Magmar
  24. Magmortar
  25. Litwick
  26. Lampent
  27. Chandelure
  28. Snubbull
  29. Granbull
  30. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 2:
  1. Buneary
  2. Lopunny
  3. Oricorio
  4. Furfrou
  5. Gible
  6. Gabite
  7. Garchomp
  8. Qwilfish
  9. Bruxish
  10. Basculin
  11. Wailmer
  12. Wailord
  13. Barboach
  14. Whiscash
  15. Zubat
  16. Golbat
  17. Crobat
  18. Woobat
  19. Swoobat
  20. Joltik
  21. Galvantula
  22. Spinarak
  23. Ariados
  24. Ledyba
  25. Ledian
  26. Surskit
  27. Masquerain
  28. Dewpider
  29. Araquanid
  30. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 3:
  1. Minior
  2. Lunatone
  3. Solrock
  4. Magnemite
  5. Magneton
  6. Magnezone
  7. Klink
  8. Klang
  9. Klinklang
  10. Baltoy
  11. Claydol
  12. Sandshrew
  13. Sandslash
  14. Bronzor
  15. Bronzong
  16. Diglett
  17. Dugtrio
  18. Cubone
  19. Marowak
  20. Scyther
  21. Scizor
  22. Heracross
  23. Pinsir
  24. Happiny
  25. Chansey
  26. Blissey
  27. Skarmory
  28. Mantyke
  29. Mantine
  30. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 4:
  1. Remoraid
  2. Octillery
  3. Volbeat
  4. Illumise
  5. Buizel
  6. Floatzel
  7. Drowzee
  8. Hypno
  9. Finneon
  10. Lumineon
  11. Elekid
  12. Electabuzz
  13. Electivire
  14. Paras
  15. Parasect
  16. Morelull
  17. Shiinotic
  18. Sewaddle
  19. Swadloon
  20. Leavanny
  21. Foongus
  22. Amoonguss
  23. Shroomish
  24. Breloom
  25. Venipede
  26. Whirlipede
  27. Scolipede
  28. Cutiefly
  29. Ribombee
  30. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 5:
  1. Houndour
  2. Houndoom
  3. Oddish
  4. Gloom
  5. Vileplume
  6. Bellossom
  7. Purrloin
  8. Liepard
  9. Poochyena
  10. Mightyena
  11. Inkay
  12. Malamar
  13. Teddiursa
  14. Ursaring
  15. Phanpy
  16. Donphan
  17. Abra
  18. Kadabra
  19. Alakazam
  20. Nincada
  21. Ninjask
  22. Shedinja
  23. Vullaby
  24. Mandibuzz
  25. Rufflet
  26. Braviary
  27. Doduo
  28. Dodrio
  29. Farfetch'd
  30. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 6:
  1. Gulpin
  2. Swalot
  3. Trubbish
  4. Garbodor
  5. Cubchoo
  6. Beartic
  7. Snorunt
  8. Glalie
  9. Froslass
  10. Vanillite
  11. Vanillish
  12. Vanilluxe
  13. Nidoran Male
  14. Nidorino
  15. Nidoking
  16. Nidoran Female
  17. Nidorina
  18. Nidoqueen
  19. Shuckle
  20. Geodude
  21. Graveler
  22. Golem
  23. Roggenrola
  24. Boldore
  25. Gigalith
  26. Mudbray
  27. Mudsdale
  28. Spearow
  29. Fearow
  30. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 7:
  1. Mawile
  2. Flabébé
  3. Floette
  4. Florges
  5. Spritzee
  6. Aromatisse
  7. Swirlix
  8. Slurpuff
  9. Natu
  10. Xatu
  11. Swablu
  12. Altaria
  13. Krabby
  14. Kingler
  15. Corphish
  16. Crawdaunt
  17. Gligar
  18. Gliscor
  19. Snover
  20. Abomasnow
  21. Eevee
  22. Flareon
  23. Jolteon
  24. Vaporeon
  25. Espeon
  26. Umbreon
  27. Glaceon
  28. Leafeon
  29. Sylveon
  30. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 8:
  1. Scraggy
  2. Scrafty
  3. Druddigon
  4. Sableye
  5. Spiritomb
  6. Tauros
  7. Miltank
  8. Lickitung
  9. Lickilicky
  10. Slowpoke
  11. Slowbro
  12. Slowking
  13. Starly
  14. Staravia
  15. Staraptor
  16. Bidoof
  17. Bibarel
  18. Pawniard
  19. Bisharp
  20. Karrablast
  21. Escavalier
  22. Shelmet
  23. Accelgor
  24. Wimpod
  25. Golisopod
  26. Voltorb
  27. Electrode
  28. Noibat
  29. Noivern
  30. Sub-legendary 2
Moveset update wishlist:
  1. Pidgey: Last Resort
  2. Zigzagoon: Tri Attack
  3. Sentret: Mud Bomb
  4. Hoothoot: Magic Room
  5. Kricketune: Sacred Sword
  6. Mothim: Magic Room
  7. Wormadam:  Wonder Room
  8. Vivillon: Extrasensory
  9. Helioptile: Spotlight
  10. Electrike: Beat Up
  11. Magby: Power Trip
  12. Litwick: Extrasensory
  13. Snubbull: Mud Shot
  14. Buneary: Eerie Impulse
  15. Oricorio: Twister
  16. Furfrou: Beat Up
  17. Gible: Crush Claw
  18. Qwilfish: Memento
  19. Bruxish: Parting Shot
  20. Basculin: Twister
  21. Wailmer: Icicle Spear
  22. Barboach: Aurora Beam
  23. Zubat: Memento
  24. Woobat: Psychic Fangs
  25. Joltik: Mud Shot
  26. Spinarak: Torment
  27. Ledyba: Spotlight
  28. Surskit: Icicle Crash
  29. Dewpider: Counter
  30. Minior: Mirror Coat
  31. Lunatone: Spotlight
  32. Solrock: Spotlight
  33. Magnemite: Wide Guard
  34. Klink: Wide Guard
  35. Baltoy: Spotlight
  36. Sandshrew: Beat Up
  37. Bronzor: Spotlight
  38. Diglett: Quick Guard
  39. Cubone: Rock Smash
  40. Scyther: Crush Claw
  41. Heracross: Force Palm
  42. Pinsir: Force Palm
  43. Happiny: Mirror Coat
  44. Skarmory: Barrier
  45. Mantyke: Amnesia
  46. Remoraid: Tri Attack
  47. Volbeat. Trump Card
  48. Illumise: Tearful Look
  49. Buizel: Stockpile
  50. Drowzee: Sludge
  51. Finneon: Spotlight
  52. Elekid: Triple Kick
  53. Paras: Crush Claw
  54. Morelull: Ion Deluge
  55. Sewaddle: Amnesia
  56. Foongus: Beat Up
  57. Shroomish: Rage
  58. Venipede: Counter
  59. Cutiefly: Amnesia
  60. Houndour: Revenge
  61. Oddish: Mirror Coat
  62. Purrloin: Crush Claw
  63. Poochyena: Crush Claw
  64. Inkay: Power Whip
  65. Teddiursa: Tearful Look
  66. Phanpy: Agility
  67. Abra: Quick Guard
  68. Nincada: Astonish
  69. Vullaby: Wide Guard
  70. Rufflet: Quick Guard
  71. Doduo: Beat Up
  72. Farfetch'd: Tearful Look
  73. Gulpin: Tickle
  74. Trubbish: Tickle
  75. Cubchoo: Rage
  76. Snorunt: Thrash
  77. Vanillite: Tearful Look
  78. Nidoran Male: Barrier
  79. Nidoran Female: Amnesia
  80. Shuckle: Memento
  81. Geodude: Revenge
  82. Roggenrola: Reversal
  83. Mudbray: Wide Guard
  84. Spearow: Quick Guard
  85. Mawile: Belch
  86. Flabébé: Aromatic Mist
  87. Spritzee: Amnesia
  88. Swirlix: Howl
  89. Natu: Spotlight
  90. Swablu: Baby-Doll Eyes
  91. Krabby: Feint Attack
  92. Corphish: Sky Uppercut
  93. Gligar: Destiny Bond
  94. Snover: Hammer Arm
  95. Eevee: Punishment
  96. Scraggy: Sky Uppercut
  97. Druddigon: Hammer Arm
  98. Sableye: Tearful Look
  99. Spiritomb: Fake Tears
  100. Tauros: Double Kick
  101. Miltank: Blaze Kick
  102. Lickitung: Last Resort
  103. Starly: Wide Guard
  104. Bidoof: Icicle Spear
  105. Pawniard: Crush Claw
  106. Karrablast: Revenge
  107. Shelmet: Destiny Bond
  108. Wimpod: Baton Pass
  109. Voltorb: Baton Pass
  110. Noibat: Reversal
Edit (10.06.2018):
  1. Grass Starter Signature Move: 100 BP, %90 Accuracy
  2. Fire Stater Signature Move: 105 BP, %90 Accuracy
  3. Water Starter Signature Move: 110 BP, %80 Accuracy
Flying and Mineral will reach 100+. Mineral wil lbe largely composed of genderless species, so it won't matter, but Flying can be partitioned between Birds, Avians and Mammals, alongside Field.

Fairy/Water 2 can be a new Egg Group combination. So can Flying/Mineral.

First speculation:

Unique type combinations:
  1. Poison/Ghost
  2. Ghost/Ice
  3. Ghost/Fighting
  4. Grass/Electric
  5. Bug/Ghost
  6. Rock/Ice
  7. Dragon/Rock
  8. Steel/Dragon
  9. Fighting/Poison
  10. Dragon/Ice
  11. Normal/Dark
  12. Water/Steel
Unused type combinations:
  1. Bug/Normal
  2. Ice/Bug
  3. Psychic/Poison
Second speculation:

Unique type combinations:
  1. Grass/Electric
  2. Normal/Dark
  3. Poison/Ghost
  4. Ghost/Ice
  5. Ghost/Fighting
  6. Bug/Ghost
  7. Rock/Ice
  8. Dragon/Rock
  9. Steel/Dragon
  10. Fighting/Poison
  11. Dragon/Ice
  12. Water/Steel
Unused type combinations:
  1. Bug/Normal
  2. Ice/Bug
  3. Psychic/Poison

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