11 Ocak 2020 Cumartesi

Sayanora, Fairy-type!

Biggest change for Pokémon has been announced in January 9th, 2020, and it is not the new DLC. It is the fact that alongside Poison-type being integrated into Darkness, Fairy-type will cease to be in TCG and become integrated to Psychic-type.

This is a gigantic change to the franchise, as this confirms Fairy-type has failed to differentiate itself from other types, but it also confirms that DLC additions throughout the generations will be standard. Since each modern TCG expansion in the west contain around 185 Pokémon, this means there can be only 2220 monster cards per generation (185* 12 sets). For 890 Pokémon and around 200 forms this might not seem much, but with introduction new DLC, the amount of new Pokémon introduced per gen will likely re-increase to around 130-150 range, making the current situation unsustainable, unless dual-types become a metagame staple and not just a gimmick.

This also means there won't any other type that will get the same treatment as Dragon-type in Gen 9, but there will likely be another type reshuffling. Either Dragon and Steel being removed, or Rock and Ground becoming part of Metal.

Removal of Fairy-type from the TCG also means there will no longer be major Fairy-type Legendaries and Mythicals, as TCG will not be able to sell their cards as unique things.Any possible new Fairy-type Legendary and Mythical will now have to avoid Psychic and Ghost-types as part of their type combinations.

In that same vein, there likely no longer major Fairy-type introductions in subsequent generations. As Fairy-type is still lacking three unused type combos, this is a serious issue. This was already the case in Generation 8, as the absolute numbers of Fairy-types introduced in Gen 8 were considerably lower than Gen 7, even though bulk of them were fully-evolved Pokémon or Legendaries in the case of Zacian. This too will mostly end, with further emphasis put on Ice-types as the Dragon-busters in the video games.

For the new types in Generation 10:

This change also has for the new types in Gen 10. While they will still obviously come to be (as the amount of unused type combos are shrinking and may shrink further with the new DLC), instead of diversifying the lore of the franchise, the new types introduced will be derivatives of older existing types, and if Dragon and Metal remain until Gen 10, they will be showcased with the existing TCG types.

In this case, the long theorized Light and Sound-types are far more likely to occur, as Fairy-type failed to be the antithesis of Dark-type, with Sound-type likely being introduced to nerf Steel-types. If Dragon and Metal are still around, Light will likely be part of Lightning and Sound will likely be part of Colorless. If they are not, then they will be showcased with their own types and then reintegrated into other types two gens later.

How things will go will depend what TCG type changes will or won't occur next generation

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