2 Aralık 2017 Cumartesi

Shitty Gen XI speculation, pre Gen VIII

Updated versions will be listed for future:

For Gen XI:
  1. Console: Tentatively Nintendo Switch's successor. As Switch's fate as a handheld remains dubious, I am going to put this as tentative.
  2. Year: 2028-2029. 2028 is if Switch is released in 2017. 2029 is if Nintendo has a real successor to 3DS in 2018.
  3. Location basis: From most likely to least likely:
  • Florida: See above
  • Massachusetts: Another VGC area.
  • Texas, Oregon, Washington(the state, not D.C.) and Nevada: Other states with major Asian populations.
  • Brazil: Has the largest Japanese diaspora in any country, but hard to say what federal state it will be.
  1. Dex structure. Either around 80 Pokémon and 20 new forms, or a 90-100 new species. There will almost certainly going to be new means of providing de-facto counterparts to Gen I Pokémon, whether they are new species that are successors to existing ones, or a new idea spun off regional variants.
  2. New field move: At this point, another new set of elemental field effects should happen. Whatever these successors t Terrains might be, they will ascend a few types in the franchise. This gen should be the end of this third generation elemental field moves.
  3. More overworld encounters: Because we are in 3D (TM). And at this point, we will likely see a shift from random encounters to half-way overworld encounters. This generation might be the one that completes that shift, making Pokémon's encounter mechanics closer to SMTIV's. After this point onward, there will likely be more random spawns than random encounter bubbles that chase you.
  4. Less evolutions, more forms: Because they sell better.
  5. Anything else?: We should cut down a lot of the fat at this point to make the basically a glorified battle sim. If anything else left, they should be removed too, as the amount of species will likely start to take far too much memory space.
Dex Speculation:
  1. Grass
  2. Grass
  3. Grass/Ice
  4. Fire
  5. Fire
  6. Fire/Poison
  7. Water
  8. Water
  9. Water/Electric
  10. Normal/Flying
  11. Normal/Flying or Ice/Flying
  12. Normal/Flying or Ice/Flying: Generic bird
  13. Fighting/Normal
  14. Fighting/Normal: Generic rodent
  15. Bug/Fairy
  16. Bug/Fairy
  17. Bug/Fairy: Generic bug I
  18. Bug/Poison
  19. Bug/Poison
  20. Bug/Poison: Generic bug II
  21. Grass/Ground
  22. Grass/Ground: Generic grass
  23. Ghost
  24. Ghost/Ice: Generic mid-game Ghost
  25. Fire
  26. Fire/Dark: Generic early Fire
  27. Ground
  28. Ground/Electric: Generic early Ground
  29. Fairy
  30. Fairy/Psychic: Generic early Fairy
  31. Water
  32. Water: Generic fish
  33. Flying/Ghost
  34. Flying/Ghost: Late game bird
  35. Fighting
  36. Fighting/Poison: Generic early Fighting
  37. Steel
  38. Steel/Ground: Generic late-game Steel
  39. Ghost/Dark
  40. Ghost/Dark: Generic late game Ghost
  41. Ice: Standalone
  42. Dragon/Psychic
  43. Dragon/Psychic: Generic late-game Dragon
  44. Electric/Fire
  45. Electric/Fire: Generic early Electric
  46. Dragon/Fairy
  47. Dragon/Fairy: Generic mid-game Dragon
  48. Dragon/Dark
  49. Dragon/Dark: Generic mid-game Dragon
  50. Rock
  51. Rock/Fighting: Generic mid-game Rock
  52. Flying/Ground
  53. Flying/Ground: Generic mid-game Ground
  54. Poison
  55. Poison/Psychic: Grimer clone
  56. Fairy: Generic standalone
  57. Fairy
  58. Fairy/Steel
  59. Fairy/Steel: Pseudo
  60. Grass/Fairy
  61. Normal/Fairy
  62. Flying/Fairy: Main legendaries
  63. Flying/Normal: Mythical I
  64. Ice/Dark: Mythical II
  65. Dragon/Bug: Mythical III
Alternative Dex Speculation:
  1. Grass
  2. Grass
  3. Grass/Ice
  4. Fire
  5. Fire
  6. Fire/Poison
  7. Water
  8. Water
  9. Water/Electric
  10. Normal/Flying
  11. Normal/Flying or Ice/Flying
  12. Normal/Flying or Ice/Flying: Generic bird
  13. Fighting/Normal
  14. Fighting/Normal: Generic rodent
  15. Bug/Fairy
  16. Bug/Fairy
  17. Bug/Fairy: Generic bug I
  18. Bug/Poison
  19. Bug/Poison
  20. Bug/Poison: Generic bug II
  21. Grass/Ground
  22. Grass/Ground: Generic grass
  23. Ghost
  24. Ghost/Ice: Generic mid-game Ghost
  25. Fire
  26. Fire/Dark: Generic early Fire
  27. Ground
  28. Ground/Electric: Generic early Ground
  29. Fairy
  30. Fairy/Psychic: Generic early Fairy
  31. Water
  32. Water: Generic fish
  33. Flying/Ghost
  34. Flying/Ghost: Late game bird
  35. Fighting
  36. Fighting/Normal: Generic early Fighting
  37. Steel
  38. Steel/Ground: Generic late-game Steel
  39. Ghost/Dark
  40. Ghost/Dark: Generic late game Ghost
  41. Ice: Standalone
  42. Dragon/Psychic
  43. Dragon/Psychic: Generic late-game Dragon
  44. Electric/Fire
  45. Electric/Fire: Generic early Electric
  46. Dragon/Fairy
  47. Dragon/Fairy: Generic mid-game Dragon
  48. Dragon/Dark
  49. Dragon/Dark: Generic mid-game Dragon
  50. Rock
  51. Rock/Fighting: Generic mid-game Rock
  52. Flying/Ground
  53. Flying/Ground: Generic mid-game Ground
  54. Poison
  55. Poison/Psychic: Grimer clone
  56. Fairy: Generic standalone
  57. Fairy
  58. Fairy/Steel
  59. Fairy/Steel: Pseudo
  60. Dark/Grass
  61. Dark/Fire
  62. Dark/Ice: Main legendaries
  63. Flying/Psychic: Mythical I
  64. Fairy/Ice: Mythical II
  65. Ghost/Bug: Mythical III
On legendaries:
-A Possible repeat of X/Y: Something like Ice, Flying, Dragon/Water can work.
-A Possible repeat of R/S: Something like Psychic, Ghost, Dragon/Dark can work.
-Something else: Something like Normal, Fighting, Psychic or Flying, Bug, Grass can work.
Sub-legendaries might be:
-Part-Ghost: If Gen 9 has Dark-type sub-legendaries. Fire/Ghost, Ground/Ghost, Dark/Ghost, Grass/Ghost, Psychic/Ghost can be a thing.
-Part-Fighting: Psychic/Fighting, Steel/Fighting, Poison/Fighting, Fire/Fighting, Fighting/Normal can be a thing.
Gym Leader and E4 wishlist.

Gym Leaders:
  1. Fighting
  2. Fairy
  3. Poison
  4. Fire
  5. Steel
  6. Ground
  7. Bug
  8. Ice
Elite Four:
  1. Rock
  2. Flying
  3. Electric
  4. Psychic
Champion: Dark
Villain Team: Normal


Gym Leaders:
  1. Fighting
  2. Bug
  3. Dark
  4. Ice
  5. Fighting
  6. Flying
  7. Dragon
  8. Fairy
Elite Four:
  1. Fire
  2. Water
  3. Electric
  4. Normal
Champion: Varied or Ground
Villain team: Grass

Regional Dex Speculation:

Sub-dex 1:
  1. Grass starter
  2. Grass starter
  3. Grass starter
  4. Fire starter
  5. Fire starter
  6. Fire starter
  7. Water starter
  8. Water starter
  9. Water starter
  10. Generic rodent
  11. Generic rodent
  12. Bunnelby
  13. Diggersby
  14. Rattata
  15. Raticate
  16. Generic Bug
  17. Generic Bug
  18. Generic Bug
  19. Nincada
  20. Ninjask
  21. Shedinja
  22. Pineco
  23. Forretress
  24. Generic Flying
  25. Generic Flying
  26. Generic Flying
  27. Hoothoot
  28. Noctowl
  29. Taillow
  30. Swellow
  31. Generic Pikaclone
  32. Pachirisu
  33. Emolga
  34. Generic Electric
  35. Generic Electric
  36. Helioptile
  37. Heliolisk
  38. Electrike
  39. Manectric
  40. Oddish
  41. Gloom
  42. Vileplume
  43. Bellossom
  44. Hoppip
  45. Skiploom
  46. Jumpluff
  47. Tyrogue
  48. Hitmonchan
  49. Hitmonlee
  50. Hitmontop
  51. Smoochum
  52. Jynx
  53. Mime Jr.
  54. Mr. Mime
  55. Pichu
  56. Pikachu
  57. Raichu
  58. Girafarig
  59. Stantler
  60. Sub-legendary 1
Sub-dex 2:
  1. Eevee
  2. Vaporeon
  3. Jolteon
  4. Flareon
  5. Espeon
  6. Umbreon
  7. Leafeon
  8. Glaceon
  9. Sylveon
  10. Generic Grass
  11. Generic Grass
  12. Passimian
  13. Oranguru
  14. Generic Fire
  15. Generic Fire
  16. Ekans
  17. Arbok
  18. Sandshrew
  19. Sandslash
  20. Generic Water
  21. Generic Water
  22. Pidgey
  23. Pidgeotto
  24. Pidgeot
  25. Pidove
  26. Tranquill
  27. Unfezant
  28. Generic Fighting
  29. Generic Fighting
  30. Scraggy
  31. Scrafty
  32. Throh
  33. Sawk
  34. Exeggcute
  35. Exeggutor
  36. Darumaka
  37. Darmanitan
  38. Buizel
  39. Floatzel
  40. Wingull
  41. Pelipper
  42. Dratini
  43. Dragonair
  44. Dragonite
  45. Torkoal
  46. Tentacool
  47. Tentacruel
  48. Abra
  49. Kadabra
  50. Alakazam
  51. Zorua
  52. Zoroark
  53. Scyther
  54. Scizor
  55. Volbeat
  56. Illumise
  57. Salandit
  58. Salazzle
  59. Hawlucha
  60. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 3:
  1. Generic Psychic
  2. Generic Psychic
  3. Espurr
  4. Meowstic
  5. Solrock
  6. Lunatone
  7. Generic Rock
  8. Generic Rock
  9. Onix
  10. Steelix
  11. Rhyhorn
  12. Rhydon
  13. Rhyperior
  14. Generic Ground
  15. Generic Ground
  16. Mudbray
  17. Mudsdale
  18. Diglett
  19. Dugtrio
  20. Generic Fish
  21. Generic Fish
  22. Bruxish
  23. Basculin
  24. Purrloin
  25. Liepard
  26. Poochyena
  27. Mightyena
  28. Timburr
  29. Gurdurr
  30. Conkeldurr
  31. Machop
  32. Machoke
  33. Machamp
  34. Skarmory
  35. Mantyke
  36. Mantine
  37. Whismur
  38. Loudred
  39. Exploud
  40. Tympole
  41. Palptioad
  42. Seismitoad
  43. Litwick
  44. Lampent
  45. Chandelure
  46. Makuhita
  47. Hariyama
  48. Pancham
  49. Pangoro
  50. Spinda
  51. Cleffa
  52. Clefairy
  53. Clefable
  54. Doduo
  55. Dodrio
  56. Seel
  57. Dewgong
  58. Turtonator
  59. Drampa
  60. Sub-legendary 3
Sub-dex 4: 
  1. Generic Dark
  2. Generic Dark
  3. Murkrow
  4. Honchkrow
  5. Pawniard
  6. Bisharp
  7. Generic Poison
  8. Generic Poison
  9. Koffing
  10. Weezing
  11. Zubat
  12. Golbat
  13. Crobat
  14. Misdreavus
  15. Mismagius
  16. Duskull
  17. Dusclops
  18. Dusknoir
  19. Budew
  20. Roselia
  21. Roserade
  22. Roggenrola
  23. Boldore
  24. Gigalith
  25. Jangmo-o
  26. Hakamo-o
  27. Kommo-o
  28. Cryogonal
  29. Sneasel
  30. Weavile
  31. Bounsweet
  32. Steenee
  33. Tsareena
  34. Mareep
  35. Flaaffy
  36. Ampharos
  37. Shuckle
  38. Tropius
  39. Tangela
  40. Tangrowth
  41. Wailmer
  42. Wailord
  43. Carvanha
  44. Sharpedo
  45. Remoraid
  46. Octillery
  47. Psyduck
  48. Golduck
  49. Carbink
  50. Larvitar
  51. Pupitar
  52. Tyranitar
  53. Swirlix
  54. Slurpuff
  55. Spritzee
  56. Aromatisse
  57. Pikipek
  58. Trumbeak
  59. Toucannon
  60. Sub-legendary 4
Sub-dex 5:
  1. Generic Ghost
  2. Generic Ghost
  3. Sandygast
  4. Pallosand
  5. Sigilyph
  6. Yamask
  7. Cofagrigus
  8. Aron
  9. Lairon
  10. Aggron
  11. Swinub
  12. Piloswine
  13. Mamoswine
  14. Gible
  15. Gabite
  16. Garchomp
  17. Snorunt
  18. Froslass
  19. Glalie
  20. Vanillite
  21. Vanillish
  22. Vanilluxe
  23. Deino
  24. Zweilous
  25. Hydreigon
  26. Slakoth
  27. Vigoroth
  28. Slaking
  29. Generic Fossil I
  30. Generic Fossil I
  31. Generic Fossil II
  32. Generic Fossil II
  33. Kabuto
  34. Kabutops
  35. Omanyte
  36. Omastar
  37. Tyrunt
  38. Tyrantrum
  39. Amaura
  40. Aurorus
  41. Sandile
  42. Krokorok
  43. Krookodile
  44. Baltoy
  45. Claydol
  46. Bronzor
  47. Bronzong
  48. Combee
  49. Vespiquen
  50. Burmy
  51. Wormadam
  52. Mothim
  53. Swablu
  54. Altaria
  55. Binacle
  56. Barbaracle
  57. Shellos
  58. Gastrodon
  59. Furfrou
  60. Sub-legendary 5
Sub-dex 6:
  1. Generic Ice
  2. Generic Ice
  3. Snover
  4. Abomasnow
  5. Rotom
  6. Generic Dragon
  7. Generic Dragon
  8. Generic Steel
  9. Generic Steel
  10. Beldum
  11. Metang
  12. Metagross
  13. Generic Pseudo
  14. Generic Psuedo
  15. Generic Pseudo
  16. Noibat
  17. Noivern
  18. Teddiursa
  19. Ursaring
  20. Phanpy
  21. Donphan
  22. Rufflet
  23. Braviary
  24. Vullaby
  25. Mandibuzz
  26. Nidoran Male
  27. Nidorino
  28. Nidoking
  29. Nidoran Female
  30. Nidorina
  31. Nidoqueen
  32. Grubbin
  33. Charjabug
  34. Vikavolt
  35. Ducklett
  36. Swanna
  37. Rockruff
  38. Lycanroc
  39. Houndour
  40. Houndoom
  41. Slugma
  42. Magcargo
  43. Goomy
  44. Sliggoo
  45. Goodra
  46. Spoink
  47. Grumpig
  48. Oricorio
  49. Dewpider
  50. Araquanid
  51. Surskit
  52. Masquerain
  53. Gastly
  54. Haunter
  55. Gengar
  56. Azurill
  57. Marill
  58. Azumarill
  59. Comfey
  60. Sub-legendary 6
Potential stat updates:
  1. Sawsbuck: +30, BST: 475->505
  2. Cacturne: +30, BST: 475->505
  3. Spinda: +50, BST: 360->410
  4. Heatmor: +10, BST: 484->494
  5. Durant: +10, BST: 484->494
  6. Luxray: +10, BST: 523->533
  7. Komala: +20, BST: 480->500
  8. Comfey: +20, BST: 485->505
  9. Alomomola: +35, BST: 470->505
  10. Hawlucha: +15, BST: 500->515
  11. Drapion: +10, BST: 500->510
  12. Pidgeotto: +10, BST: 349->359
  13. Pidgey: +10, BST: 251->261
Egg Move Update Speculations:
  1. Bunnelby: Throat Chop
  2. Rattata: Throat Chop
  3. Nincada: Hone Claws
  4. Pineco: Flame Burst
  5. Hoothoot: Entrainment
  6. Taillow: Double-Edge
  7. Pachirisu: Yawn
  8. Emolga: Sing
  9. Helioptile: Nasty Plot
  10. Electrike: Stomp
  11. Oddish: Solar Blade
  12. Hoppip: Play Rough
  13. Tyrogue: Jump Kick
  14. Smoochum: Dizzy Punch
  15. Mime Jr.: Dizzy Punch
  16. Pichu: Metal Sound
  17. Girafarig: Power Trip
  18. Stantler: Stored Power
  19. Eevee: Present
  20. Passimian: Yawn
  21. Oranguru: Yawn
  22. Ekans: Astonish
  23. Sandshrew: Astonish
  24. Pidgey: Baton Pass
  25. Pidove: Baton Pass
  26. Scraggy: Throat Chop
  27. Throh: N/A
  28. Sawk: N/A
  29. Exeggcute: Copycat
  30. Darumaka: Copycat
  31. Buizel: Follow Me
  32. Wingull: Laser Focus
  33. Dratini: Minimize
  34. Torkoal: Thrash
  35. Tentacool: Laser Focus
  36. Abra: Copycat
  37. Zorua: Tickle
  38. Scyther: Screech
  39. Volbeat: Laser Focus
  40. Illumise: Laser Focus
  41. Salandit: Uproar
  42. Hawlucha: Quick Attack
  43. Espurr: Baton Pass
  44. Solrock: N/A
  45. Lunatone: N/A
  46. Onix: Lock-On
  47. Rhyhorn: Howl
  48. Mudbray: Thrash
  49. Bruxish: Disable
  50. Basculin: After You
  51. Purrloin: Noble Roar
  52. Poochyena: Yawn
  53. Timburr. Mega Punch
  54. Machop: Mega Punch
  55. Skarmory: Focus Energy
  56. Mantyke: Defense Curl
  57. Whismur: Mega Punch
  58. Tympole: Boomburst
  59. Litwick: Giga Drain
  60. Makuhita: Power-Up Punch
  61. Pancham: Psychic Fangs
  62. Spinda: Power-Up Punch
  63. Cleffa: Power Trip
  64. Doduo: Power Trip
  65. Seel: Laser Focus
  66. Turtonator: Yawn
  67. Drampa: Yawn
  68. Murkrow: Power Trip
  69. Pawniard: Fury Cutter
  70. Koffing: Laser Focus
  71. Zubat: Yawn
  72. Misdreavus: Wish
  73. Duskull: Laser Focus
  74. Budew: Wring Out
  75. Roggenrola: Reflect Type
  76. Jangmo-o: Leer
  77. Cryogonal: N/A
  78. Sneasel: Play Rough
  79. Bounsweet: Reflect Type
  80. Mareep: Spotlight
  81. Shuckle: Reflect Type
  82. Tropius: Me First
  83. Tangela: Teeter Dance
  84. Wailmer: Liquidation
  85. Carvanha: Gastro Acid
  86. Remoraid: Work Up
  87. Psyduck: Work Up
  88. Carbink: N/A
  89. Larvitar: Power Trip
  90. Swirlix: Pollen Puff
  91. Spritzee: Signal Beam
  92. Pikipek: Sing
  93. Sandygast: Wonder Room
  94. Sigilyph: Twister
  95. Yamask: Power Trip
  96. Aron: Yawn
  97. Swinub: Entrainment
  98. Gible Fury Cutter
  99. Snorunt: Work Up
  100. Vanillite: Entrainment
  101. Deino: Me First
  102. Slakoth: Work Up
  103. Kabuto: Focus Energy
  104. Omanyte: Soak
  105. Tyrunt: Poison Fang
  106. Amaura: Laser Focus
  107. Sandile: Work Up
  108. Baltoy: N/A
  109. Bronzor: N/A
  110. Combee: N/A
  111. Burmy: N/A
  112. Swablu: Present
  113. Binacle: Power-Up Punch
  114. Shellos: Gastro Acid
  115. Furfrou: Quick Attack
  116. Snover: Needle Arm
  117. Rotom: N/A
  118. Beldum: N/A
  119. Noibat: Flame Burst
  120. Teddiursa: Psychic Fangs
  121. Phanpy: Yawn
  122. Rufflet: N/A
  123. Vullaby: Defense Curl
  124. Nidoran Male: Defense Curl
  125. Nidoran Female: Defense Curl
  126. Grubbin: Defense Curl
  127. Ducklett: Liquidation
  128. Rockruff: Defense Curl
  129. Houndour: Crush Claw
  130. Slugma: Venom Drench
  131. Goomy: Nasty Plot
  132. Spoink: Heat Crash
  133. Oricorio: Petal Dance
  134. Dewpider: Toxic Thread
  135. Surskit: Toxic Thread
  136. Gastly: Power-Up Punch
  137. Azurill: Quick Attack
  138. Comfey: Captivate
Notes on type speculation:
  1. Water: Water will have above 200 species and 55 moves. This would be enough to discuss a separation of the type.
  2. Normal: Normal will have around 169 species and 268 moves. It will likely be divided by then, however.
  3. Flying: Flying will have around 157 species and 39 moves. Flying will likely become its own TCG type by now.
  4. Grass: Grass will have around 154 species and 66 moves. It might be divided into different types next gen.
  5. Psychic: Psychic will have around 133 species and 94 moves. It will likely be divided by then, however.
  6. Bug: Bug will have around 121 species and 46 moves. It will likely be divided into different types in the future gens.
  7. Fire: Fire will have around 103 species and 55 moves. Fire can be divided into different types in the future.
  8. Ground: Ground will have around 101 species and 39 moves. Ground will likely become its own TCG type by now.
  9. Poison: Poison will have around 100 species and 44 moves. Poison will likely become its own TCG type by next gen.
  10. Rock: Rock will have around 91 species and 27 moves. Its status quo is unlikely to change.
  11. Fighting: Fighting will have around 89 species and 68 moves. Fighting's moves might end up being given to other types.
  12. Dark: Dark will have around 80 species and 59 moves. Dark's move might end up being given to other types.
  13. Electric: Electric will have around 79 species and 45 moves. Its status quo will not change.
  14. Steel: Steel will have around 79 species and 37 moves. It might become a more standard coverage type.
  15. Fairy: Fairy will have around 78 species and 35 moves. Its status quo will not shift much.
  16. Dragon: Dragon will have around 72 species and 26 moves. Its status quo will not shit much.
  17. Ghost: Ghost will have around 68 species and 38 moves. It might continue to become a proper coverage type.
  18. Ice: Ice will have around 60 species and 37 moves. Its status quo will not change much.
Possible additions on cross-generational forms:
  1. Bug: Corphish and Shellos lines can be used.
  2. Dark: Zangoose, Sentret and Glameow lines can be used.
  3. Dragon: Ekans and Seviper lines can be used.
  4. Electric: Aipom, Klink and Porygon lines can be used.
  5. Fairy: Skitty, Cherubi and Hoothoot lines can be used.
  6. Fighting: Whismur line can be used.
  7. Fire: Mankey and Koffing lines can be used.
  8. Flying: Volbeat and Illumise can be used.
  9. Ghost: Zorua can be used.
  10. Grass: Comfey can be used.
  11. Ground: Torkoal and Sunkern lines can be used.
  12. Ice: Finneon and Duskull lines can be used.
  13. Normal: N/A
  14. Poison: Shellos, Tynamo and Solosis can be used.
  15. Psychic: Spinda can be used.
  16. Rock: Bergmite can be used.
  17. Steel: Phanpy line and Vanillite can be used.
  18. Water: Cubchoo line can be used.

Moves that can be buffed:
  1. Chip Away
  2. Strength
  3. Flash
  4. Draining Kiss
  5. Psywave
  6. Feint
  7. Fury Attack
  8. Wrap
Secondary abilities that can be added:
  1. Plusle/Minun: Electric Surge
  2. Meditite: Psychic Surge
  3. Skiddo: Grassy Surge
  4. Flabébé: Misty Surge
  5. Buizel: Drizzle
  6. Darumaka: Drought
  7. Alolan Sandshrew: Snow Warning
  8. Sandshrew: Sand Stream
Moveset wishlist update:
  1. Bunnelby: Stomping Tantrum
  2. Rattata: Throat Chop
  3. Nincada: Lunge
  4. Pineco: Bullet Seed
  5. Hoothoot: Psych Up
  6. Taillow: Work Up
  7. Pachirisu: Sand-Attack
  8. Emolga: Retaliate
  9. Helioptile: Camouflage
  10. Electrike: Disarming Voice
  11. Oddish: Entrainment
  12. Hoppip: Copycat
  13. Hitmonchan: Strength
  14. Hitmonlee: Quick Attack
  15. Hitmontop: Wring Out
  16. Smoochum: Simple Beam
  17. Mime Jr.: Disarming Voice
  18. Pikachu: Spotlight
  19. Girafarig: Tri Attack
  20. Stantler: Fury Attack
  21. Eevee: Copycat
  22. Passimian: Mega Punch
  23. Oranguru: Simple Beam
  24. Ekans: Power Trip
  25. Sandshrew: Beat Up
  26. Pidgey: Flail
  27. Pidove: Flail
  28. Scraggy: Reversal
  29. Throh: Detect
  30. Sawk: Cross Chop
  31. Exeggcute: Play Nice
  32. Darumaka: Follow Me
  33. Buizel: Chip Away
  34. Wingull: Double-Edge
  35. Dratini: Tail Slap
  36. Torkoal: Self-Destruct
  37. Tentacool: Mean Look
  38. Kadabra: Magic Room
  39. Zorua: Throat Chop
  40. Scyther: Throat Chop
  41. Volbeat: Spotlight
  42. Illumise: Spotlight
  43. Salandit: Switcheroo
  44. Hawlucha: Dual Chop
  45. Espurr: Play Nice
  46. Solrock: Skill Swap
  47. Lunatone: Skill Swap
  48. Rhyhorn: Sand Attack
  49. Mudbray: Flail
  50. Diglett: Flail
  51. Bruxish: Belch
  52. Basculin: Whirlpool
  53. Purrloin: Punishment
  54. Poochyena: Feint
  55. Timburr. Punishment
  56. Machop: Throat Chop
  57. Skarmory: Chip Away
  58. Mantyke: Guard Swap
  59. Whismur: Punishment
  60. Tympole: Disarming Voice
  61. Litwick: Magic Room
  62. Makuhita: Circle Throw
  63. Pancham: Punishment
  64. Spinda: Play Rough
  65. Clefairy: Magic Room
  66. Doduo: Punishment
  67. Seel: Belch
  68. Turtonator: Thrash
  69. Drampa: Thrash
  70. Murkrow: Simple Beam
  71. Pawniard: Memento
  72. Koffing: Acid Spray
  73. Zubat: Acid Spray
  74. Misdreavus: Wonder Room
  75. Duskull: Wonder Room
  76. Roselia: Swift
  77. Roggenrola: Mirror Shot
  78. Jangmo-o: Counter
  79. Cryogonal: Icicle Spear
  80. Sneasel: Memento
  81. Bounsweet: Vine Whip
  82. Mareep: Mega Kick
  83. Shuckle: Mud Bomb
  84. Tropius: Wood Hammer
  85. Tangela: Weather Ball
  86. Wailmer: Aurora Beam
  87. Carvanha: Liquidation
  88. Remoraid: Mud Shot
  89. Psyduck: Mud Shot
  90. Carbink: Signal Beam
  91. Larvitar: Mud Shot
  92. Swirlix: Drain Punch
  93. Spritzee: Air Cutter
  94. Pikipek: Air Cutter
  95. Sandygast: Astonish
  96. Sigilyph: Night Shade
  97. Yamask: Extrasensory
  98. Aron: Ancient Power
  99. Swinub: Retaliate
  100. Gible: Mud Shot
  101. Snorunt: Mirror Coat
  102. Vanillite: Swift
  103. Deino: Mud Bomb
  104. Slakoth: Cut
  105. Kabuto: Soak
  106. Omanyte: Soak
  107. Tyrunt: Mud Shot
  108. Amaura: Mud Shot
  109. Sandile: Me First
  110. Baltoy: Moonblast
  111. Bronzor: Flash
  112. Vespiquen: Me First
  113. Wormadam/Mothim: Refresh
  114. Swablu: Night Shade
  115. Binacle: Mud Bomb
  116. Shellos: Sludge
  117. Furfrou: Double-Edge
  118. Snover: Thrash
  119. Rotom: Swift
  120. Metang: Crush Claw
  121. Noibat: Slash
  122. Teddiursa: Sand Attack
  123. Phanpy: Mud Bomb
  124. Rufflet: Sand Attack
  125. Vullaby: Sand Attack
  126. Nidoran Male: Acid Spray
  127. Nidoran Female: Acid Spray
  128. Grubbin: Lunge
  129. Ducklett: Me First
  130. Rockruff: Punishment
  131. Houndour: Clear Smog
  132. Slugma: Acid
  133. Goomy: Clear Smog
  134. Spoink: Me First
  135. Oricorio: Encore
  136. Dewpider: Poison Sting
  137. Surskit: String Shot
  138. Gastly: Miracle Eye
  139. Marill: Liquidation
  140. Comfey: Sweet Scent
Third game Dex additions:

Sub-dex 1:
  1. Zigzagoon
  2. Linoone
  3. Starly
  4. Staravia
  5. Staraptor
  6. Kricketot
  7. Kricketune
  8. Wurmple
  9. Silcoon
  10. Beautifly
  11. Cascoon
  12. Dustox
  13. Bellsprout
  14. Weepinbell
  15. Victreebel
  16. Chinchou
  17. Lanturn
  18. Litleo
  19. Pyroar
  20. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 2:
  1. Buneary
  2. Lopunny
  3. Ralts
  4. Kirlia
  5. Gardevoir
  6. Gallade
  7. Audino
  8. Igglybuff
  9. Jigglypuff
  10. Wigglytuff
  11. Meditite
  12. Medicham
  13. Plusle
  14. Minun
  15. Zangoose
  16. Seviper
  17. Komala
  18. Durant
  19. Heatmor
  20. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 3:
  1. Deerling
  2. Sawsbuck
  3. Cacnea
  4. Cacturne
  5. Dedenne
  6. Mienfoo
  7. Mienshao
  8. Elgyem
  9. Beheeyem
  10. Pansage
  11. Simisage
  12. Pansear
  13. Simisear
  14. Panpour
  15. Simipour
  16. Shuppet
  17. Banette
  18. Pinsir
  19. Heracross
  20. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 4:
  1. Gulpin
  2. Swalot
  3. Ditto
  4. Trubbish
  5. Garbodor
  6. Grimer
  7. Muk
  8. Weedle
  9. Kakuna
  10. Beedrill
  11. Caterpie
  12. Metapod
  13. Butterfree
  14. Scatterbug
  15. Spewpa
  16. Vivillon
  17. Skiddo
  18. Gogoat
  19. Chatot
  20. Sub-legendary 2
Sub-dex 5:
  1. Cherubi
  2. Cherrim
  3. Mankey
  4. Primeape
  5. Tynamo
  6. Eelektrik
  7. Eelektross
  8. Skitty
  9. Delcatty
  10. Sentret
  11. Furret
  12. Stunky
  13. Skuntank
  14. Glameow
  15. Purugly
  16. Honedge
  17. Doublade
  18. Aegislash
  19. Mimikyu
  20. Sub-legendary 2
      Sub-dex 6:
      1. Spheal
      2. Sealeo
      3. Walrein
      4. Klefki
      5. Bagon
      6. Shelgon
      7. Salamence
      8. Crabrawler
      9. Crabominable
      10. Absol
      11. Riolu
      12. Lucario
      13. Bergmite
      14. Avalugg
      15. Porygon
      16. Porygon
      17. Porygon-Z
      18. Aipom
      19. Ambipom
      20. Sub-legendary 2
      Moveset update wishlist:
      1. Zigzagoon: Crush Claw
      2. Starly: Beat Up
      3. Kricketune: Power Trip
      4. Beautifly: Stored Power
      5. Dustox: Stored Power
      6. Bellsprout: Power Trip
      7. Chinchou: Tri Attack
      8. Litleo: Feint Attack
      9. Buneary: Trump Card
      10. Ralts: Barrier
      11. Igglybuff: Tri Attack
      12. Meditite: Storm Throw
      13. Plusle/Minun: Spotlight
      14. Zangoose: Hammer Arm
      15. Seviper: Last Resort
      16. Heatmor: Double-Edge
      17. Durant: Lunge
      18. Deerling: Double Kick
      19. Cacnea: Storm Throw
      20. Mienfoo: Stored Power
      21. Elgyem: Spotlight
      22. Pansear: Double Kick
      23. Pansage:  Double Kick
      24. Panpour: Double Kick
      25. Shuppet: Ion Deluge
      26. Pinsir: Beat Up
      27. Heracross: Beat Up
      28. Gulpin: Uproar
      29. Trubbish: Magnet Bomb
      30. Grimer: Double-Edge
      31. Beedrill: Take Down
      32. Butterfree: Barrier
      33. Vivillon:  Morning Sun
      34. Skiddo: Double Kick
      35. Chatot: Tri Attack
      36. Ditto: N/A
      37. Cherubi: Punishment
      38. Mankey: Triple Kick
      39. Eelektross: Double-Edge
      40. Skitty: Amnesia
      41. Sentret: Tri Attack
      42. Stunky: Shadow Sneak
      43. Glameow: Beat Up
      44. Honedge: Throat Chop
      45. Mimikyu: Crush Claw
      46. Spheal: Camouflage
      47. Klefki: Spotlight
      48. Bagon: Power Trip
      49. Crabrawler. Bind
      50. Absol: Psychic Fangs
      51. Riolu: Synchronoise
      52. Bergmite: Acid Armor
      53. Porygon: Spotlight
      54. Aipom: Dynamic Punch
      Edit(02.04.2018): Reposts for Gen 8 post:

      The next big thing involving Pikachu can be a few things:

      -A gender independent form, such as Cosplay Pikachu being a form change, rather than a specific Pikachu.
      -A third ability for the line.
      -A defensive Light Ball.
      -Light Ball affecting Pichu.

      -Possibly a new evolution stone, either one that is type based like a Psychic Stone, or one that is based on a theme like a Twilight Stone or Dream Stone.
      -Possible removal of type boosting items besides plates.

      1. Grass Starter Signature Move: 100 BP, %90 Accuracy
      2. Fire Stater Signature Move: 110 BP, %80 Accuracy
      3. Water Starter Signature Move: 105 BP, %90 Accuracy
      Grass will reach 100+ in this generation, and Field will reach 300+. Grass will be enough to have a generation of Pokémon, while Field will have an entire regional dex of worth. Grass can be partitioned into two Groups, one possibly being Mushrooms, while Field can be partitioned into possibly Four Groups(Mammals, Birds, Yokai, Reptiles).

      Fairy/Dragon can be a new Egg Group combination. So can Field/Bug.


      First speculation:

      Unique type combinations:
      1. Fire/Poison
      2. Bug/Fairy
      3. Grass/Ground
      4. Ghost/Ice
      5. Ground/Electric
      6. Fighting/Poison
      7. Electric/Fire
      8. Dragon/Fairy
      9. Rock/Fighting
      10. Flying/Ground
      11. Flying/Fairy
      12. Ice/Dark
      Unused type combinations:
      1. Poison/Psychic
      2. Dragon/Bug
      Second speculation:

      Unique type speculation
      1. Fire/Poison
      2. Bug/Fairy
      3. Grass/Ground
      4. Ghost/Ice
      5. Ground/Electric
      6. Electric/Fire
      7. Dragon/Fairy
      8. Rock/Fighting
      9. Flying/Ground
      10. Dark/Ice
      11. Fairy/Ice
      12. Ghost/Bug
      Unused type speculation:
      1. Poison/Psychic

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