2 Eylül 2017 Cumartesi

How to improve: 577-578-579- Solosis-Duosion-Reuniclus

1.Stats: Should Reuniclus get a stat boost, Evolution, Mega Evolution or nothing?

Reuniclus is the same as its counterpart Gothitelle, it would be most fitting with a +10 BST, but it can get +50 BST.

An evolution is impossible, but Duosion would enjoy +20 BST boost to match Gothorita.

A Mega would be potentially game breaking, or a slow Mega Alakazam.

2.Should Reuniclus get more abilities?

Reuniclus has the best abilities in the game, so it is not necessary. But if it were to get some, here are some options:
  1. Forewarn
  2. Illuminate
  3. Iron Fist
  4. Magician
  5. Trace
  6. Wonder Skin
          3. Should Reuniclus get more moves?

          Reuniclus has one of the best movepools in the game, but if were to get more moves, here's a list:
          1. Charge Beam
          2. Dazzling Gleam
          3. Smack Down
          4. Thunderbolt
          5. Foul Play
          6. Magic Room
          7. Role Play
          8. Uproar
          9. Agility
          10. Ally Switch
          11. Amnesia
          12. Assurance
          13. Barrier
          14. Beat Up
          15. Confusion
          16. Cosmic Power
          17. Disable
          18. Dynamic Punch
          19. Entrainment
          20. Extrasensory
          21. Follow Me
          22. Focus Energy
          23. Foresight
          24. Guard Split
          25. Guard Swap
          26. Heal Block
          27. Heal Pulse
          28. Healing Wish
          29. Heart Stamp
          30. Hex
          31. Hypnosis
          32. Imprison
          33. Inferno
          34. Magnitude
          35. Mean Look
          36. Meditate
          37. Memento
          38. Metronome
          39. Minimize
          40. Miracle Eye
          41. Mirror Coat
          42. Mirror Shot
          43. Moonblast
          44. Moonlight
          45. Mud Bomb
          46. Nasty Plot
          47. Nightmare
          48. Ominous Wind
          49. Psycho Cut
          50. Psycho Shift
          51. Poison Gas
          52. Power Gem
          53. Power Split
          54. Power Swap
          55. Power Trick
          56. Psybeam
          57. Psycho Shift
          58. Punishment
          59. Reflect Type
          60. Revenge
          61. Scary Face
          62. Self-Destruct
          63. Shadow Punch
          64. Simple Beam
          65. Sludge
          66. Smelling Salts
          67. Smog
          68. Stored Power
          69. Submission
          70. Synchronoise
          71. Telekinesis
          72. Teleport
          73. Tri Attack
          74. Trump Card
          75. Vacuum Wave
          76. Wake-Up Slap
          77. Wish
          78. Smelling Salts
          79. Wake-Up Slap
          80. Dual Chop
          81. Brick Break
          82. Payback
          83. Stone Edge
                                                                                                                                                                            4.What additional typing Reuniclus can have?

                                                                                                                                                                            Ghost, Rock, and Fairy are the most obvious ones. Normal, Electric and Fighting are also possible, so is Poison and Grass.

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