1 Mart 2019 Cuma

Additional thoughts on Galar Region

Unique type combinations that might end:
  1. Bug: Bug/Ghost and Bug/Fairy might work, but Bug/Ground is more likely.
  2. Dark: Dark/Normal and Dark/Ground might work.
  3. Dragon: Dragon/Fighting and Dragon/Rock might work.
  4. Electric: Electric/Ground and Electric/Grass might work.
  5. Fairy: Fairy/Flying and Fairy/Ice might work.
  6. Fighting: Fighting/Flying and Fighting/Poison might work.
  7. Fire: Fire/Rock and Fire/Steel might work.
  8. Flying: Poison/Flying and Flying might work, but Ice/Flying is more likely.
  9. Ghost: Water/Ghost and Ice/Ghost might work, but Psychic/Ghost is more likely.
  10. Grass: Grass/Water and Rock/Grass might work.
  11. Ground: Poison/Ground and Ground/Grass might work.
  12. Ice: Ice/Rock and Grass/Ice might work.
  13. Normal: Normal/Grass and Normal/Water might work.
  14. Poison: Poison/Fire and Poison/Rock might work.
  15. Psychic: Psychic/Ground and Psychic/Ice might work.
  16. Rock: Rock/Dragon and Rock/Electric might work but Rock/Fairy is more likely.
  17. Steel: Steel/Water and Steel/Dragon might work.
  18. Water: Water/Grass and Water/Normal might work.
Unused type combinations that might appear:
  1. Bug: Bug/Dark or Bug/Psychic might work.
  2. Dark: Dark/Fairy or Dark/Electric might work.
  3. Dragon: Dragon/Bug is the last remaining type combination.
  4. Electric: Electric/Fighting or Electric/Poison might work.
  5. Fairy: Fairy/Fighting or Fairy/Ground might work.
  6. Fighting: Fighting/Ground or Fighting/Electric might work.
  7. Fire: Fire/Ice or Fire/Grass might work.
  8. Flying: None remains.
  9. Ghost: Rock/Ghost or Normal/Ghost might work.
  10. Grass: Grass/Fire is the last remaining type combination.
  11. Ground: Ground/Fairy or Ground/Fighting might work.
  12. Ice: Ice/Normal or Ice/Bug might work.
  13. Normal: Normal/Rock or Normal/Poison might work.
  14. Poison: Poison/Psychic or Poison/Steel might work.
  15. Psychic: Psychic/Poison or Psychic
  16. Rock: Rock/Normal or Rock/Ghost might work.
  17. Steel: Normal/Steel or Poison/Steel might work
  18. Water: None remains.
TM Speculations for Gyms:
  1. Grass: Grass Knot
  2. Water: New TM
  3. Fire: Will-O-Wisp
  4. Electric: Volt Switch
  5. Ground: Bulldoze
  6. Fairy: New TM
  7. Dragon: New TM
  8. Ice: Aurora Veil
To have 72 species in next generation (average 9 per generation):
  1. Normal: +7
To have 64 species in next generation (average 8 per generation):
  1. Water: +2
To have 40 species in next generation (average 5 per generation):
  1. Grass: +2
  2. Psychic: +5
To have 32 species in next generation (average 4 per generation):
  1. Fire: +1
  2. Electric: +5
  3. Normal/Flying: +6
To have 24 species in next generation (average 3 per generation):
  1. Fighting: +2
  2. Bug: +6
  3. Fairy: +8
To have 16 species in next generation(average 2 per generation):
  1. Poison, Ground: +1
  2. Bug/Flying, Grass/Poison, Ice: +2
  3. Bug/Poison, Dragon: +4
  4. Rock, Dark: +5
  5. Rock/Water: +6
  6. Rock/Ground, Water/Ground, Ghost: +7
To have 8 species in next generation(average 1 per generation):
  1. Steel/Psychic, Water/Flying, Grass/Flying, Psychic/Flying, Steel: +1
  2. Ground/Dragon, Rock/Steel, Bug/Steel, Psychic/Fairy, Water/Poison, Fire/Flying, Fire/Fighting, Dragon/Flying, Water/Ice, Ghost/Grass, Bug/Grass: +2
  3. Poison/Dark, Electric/Flying, Normal/Fairy, Bug/Water, Bug/Rock, Dark/Flying, Grass /Fairy, Water/Dark, Water/Psychic: +3
To have 8 species in next generation(average 1 per generation):
  1. Bug/Electric, Psychic/Fighting, Water/Fairy, Electric/Steel, Ground/Ghost, Normal/Fighting, Steel/Ground, Ghost/Fire, Dark/Dragon, Rock/Flying: +4
  2. Normal/Psychic, Dark/Psychic, Ground/Flying, Steel/Fairy, Fire/Ground, Water/Electric, Grass/Steel, Dragon/Fire, Dark/Fighting, Water/Grass, Poison/Flying, Rock/Electric, Steel/Ghost, Dark/Fire, Fire/Psychic, Bug/Fighting, Ghost/Flying, Ghost/Poison, Ground/Ice, Ground/Dark, Grass/Fighting, Grass/Dark, Grass/Psychic: +5
  • Water, Grass and Fire are already almost confirmed to keep their averages.
  • Poison, Ground, Steel and Fighting might keep their averages.
  • Ice and Dragon are less likely to keep their averages. Rock and Dark will likely drop out further.
              Move addition speculations for confirmed returning species:
              1. Minccino: Defense Curl.
              2. Pichu: Play Rough.
              3. Wishiwashi: Aurora Beam
              4. Hoothoot: Charm, Nasty Plot, Miracle Eye
              5. Deino: Boomburst, Nasty Plot
              6. Grubbin: Signal Beam, Mud Sport
              7. Riolu: Wake-Up Slap, Mirror Shot, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Encore
              8. Trapinch: Quiver Dance, Mud Sport
              9. Larvitar: Ancient Power
              10. Munchlax: Circle Throw, Super Fang
              11. Rufflet: Sucker Punch, Twister
              12. Espurr: Psychic Terrain, Tearful Look
              13. Wailmer: Slack Off, Boomburst
              Additional Pokémon:
              1. Diglett: Crush Claw, Pursuit
              2. Bounsweet: Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice
              3. Rhyhorn: Beat Up, Pursuit
              4. Hippopotas: Poison Fang, Psychic Fangs
              5. Snover: Icicle Crash, Dynamic Punch
              6. Sawk: Detect, Jump Kick
              7. Wynaut: N/A
              8. Stufful: Play Rough, Sweet Kiss
              9. Frillish: Acid Spray, Psybeam
              10. Golett: Double Hit, Zap Cannon
              11. Gastly: Psybeam, Psywave
              12. Duskull: Scary Face, Psywave
              13. Tympole: Boomburst, Aqua Jet
              14. Bergmite: Icicle Crash, Aqua Jet
              15. Feebas: Aqua Jet, Psybeam
              16. Hawlucha: Brave Bird, Double Kick
              17. Mantyke: Aqua Jet, Brine
              18. Vulpix: Mystical Fire, Psywave
              19. Wooper: Sludge, Head Smash
              20. Charmander: Head Smash, Poison Tail
              21. Budew/Roselia: Sweet Kiss, Moonblast
              22. Pancham: Double Kick, Head Smash
              23. Growlithe: Play Rough, Charm
              24. Inkay: Barrier, Sucker Punch
              25. Axew: Charm, Double Hit
              26. Onix: Head Smash, Coil
              27. Sneasel: Play Rough, Stomp
              28. Cleffa: Psybeam, Tearful Look
              29. Chinchou: Moonlight, Barrier
              30. Bronzor: Metal Burst, Mirror Coat
              31. Combee/Vespiquen: Twineedle, Wing Attack
              32. Caterpie/Butterfree: Hex, Hurricane
              Japanese website image:
              1. Goomy: Sludge, Play Rough
              2. Eevee: Play Rough, Crunch
              3. Mimikyu: Scary Face, Switcheroo
              4. Trubbish: Recover, Hex
              5. Vanillite: Psybeam, Metal Burst
              Edit(07.09.2019): Additional monsters:
              1. Ralts: Aurora Beam, Destiny Bond
              2. Electrike: Play Rough, Charm
              3. Bunnelby: Play Rough, Jump Kick
              4. Wingull: Brave Bird, Disarming Voice
              5. Joltik: Sludge, Venom Drench
              6. Machop: Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch
              7. Goldeen: Barrier, Mud Bomb
              8. Lotad: Mud Shot, Mud Bomb
              9. Deino: Psychic Fangs, Power Trip
              10. Togepi: Crafty Shield, Double Hit
              11. Noibat: Psychic Fangs, Moonblast
              12. Goomy: Mud Shot, Mud Bomb
              13. Mimikyu: Amnesia, Confuse Ray
              14. Jangmo-o: Double Kick, Head Smash
              15. Tyrogue: Blaze Kick, Fire Punch
              16. Pumpkaboo: Flare Blitz, Extrasensory
              17. Maractus: Disarming Voice, Teeter Dance
              18. Lapras: Dragon Rush, Head Smash
              19. Snorunt: Crafty Shield, Charm
              20. Mawile: Head Smash, Tearful Look
              21. Ferroseed: Mud Bomb, Rototiller
              22. Mareanie: Power Trip, Camouflage
              23. Purrloin: Tearful Look, Disarming Voice
              24. Croagunk: Double Kick, Power Trip
              25. Solosis: Charm, Moonblast
              26. Shellos: Psybeam, Hydro Pump
              27. Rotom: Parabolic Charge, Haze
              28. Axew: Stomp, Power Trip
              29. Timburr: Dizzy Punch, Comet Punch
              30. Wimpod: Sludge, Camouflage
              31. Cottonee: Tearful Look, Power Trip
              32. Qwilfish: Amnesia, Mist
              33. Roggenrola: Camouflage, Rototiller
              34. Baltoy: Rototiller, Camouflage
              35. Ditto: None.
              36. Litwick: Sludge, Psycho Shift
              37. Bonsly: Double Kick, Power Trip
              38. Togedemaru: Play Rough, Tearful Look
              39. Swirlix: Tearful Look, Stockpile
              40. Cherubi: Play Rough, Moonblast
              41. Sigilyph: Brave Bird, Mist
              42. Pidove: Drill Peck, Slash
              43. Frillish: Sludge, Haze

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